
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thank you SO much to those of you who have expressed interest in the pencil project!
I now have 1,400 pencils!! (see text on left of screen)
But don't let that fool you, my goal is 5,000. So start shopping people!!
Also, don't forget about the sharpeners. I want to take a wall-mount sharpener for every school (so about 8). Sharpeners cost between $20-$50.00 so any donation will be absolutely wonderful!
Let me know if you've got pencils or money! I'll pick them up, wherever you are!


  1. SAM My dear!!! I want to help you! I can send you money so you can get more pencils and I will look for some? What else do you need? What is your address??? I am so happy for you and I wish I was going back to kenya! You are amazing and I am so happy to know you and have you in my life! Keep me updated!!!!!

  2. My dear Elham!! Thank you so much for wanting to help out! That is just so like you. When do you leave for you big trip? Our address is 1547 S. 125 E. Orem, 84058. I love you so very much and miss you!!!!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. We're rounding up some pencils. :) We'll give them to you when we come down for McKay's farewell on the 18th of July. I know that is cutting it close to your trip, but we want to help in some way. :) Love you guys!
